Not My Job ā€¦ Nevertheless: a Serious Hobby

Welcome to Coocoo Guitars, where I am sharing my insights, experiences, and lessons learned from the meticulous process of breathing new life into the instruments I love.

Interactive Wiring Diagrams

My wiring diagrams are something I am particularly proud of: I have put a lot of effort into making these interactive ā€“ you can click through the pickup combinations and see how the current flows.

Happy to hear from you

Consider this a growing collection of resources where I dissect guitar tinkering, upcycling, wiring, and modification with as much clarity as time allows. Iā€™d be happy to receive feedback, corrections and suggestions. Thanks for visiting.

ā€“ Micz Flor

Wiring Diagrams

Ultimate Strat Mod: Cost-Free Re-Wiring w/ 7 Sounds and Kill Switch

Ultimate Strat Mod: Cost-Free Re-Wiring w/ 7 Sounds and Kill Switch

Interactive Wiring Diagram 101

2024 • Guitar Wiring
Bridge, Parallel, Series and Neck positions in the 4-Way Blade Wiring Mod

Bridge, Parallel, Series and Neck positions in the 4-Way Blade Wiring Mod

Interactive Wiring Diagram 101

2024 • Guitar Wiring
Out-of-phase w/ Push/Pull Switch

Out-of-phase w/ Push/Pull Switch

Interactive Wiring Diagram 101

2024 • Guitar Wiring
Parallel, in-series or coil splitting w/ 3-Way On/On/On Switch

Parallel, in-series or coil splitting w/ 3-Way On/On/On Switch

Interactive Wiring Diagram 101

2024 • Guitar Wiring
Comparing Parallel and In-Series Wiring w/ 3-Way Switch

Comparing Parallel and In-Series Wiring w/ 3-Way Switch

Interactive Wiring Diagram 101

2024 • Guitar Wiring
Coil Tapping w/ Push/Pull Switch: Hot and Ground

Coil Tapping w/ Push/Pull Switch: Hot and Ground

Interactive Wiring Diagram 101

2024 • Guitar Wiring
Single Master Tone Control for Stratocaster Style

Single Master Tone Control for Stratocaster Style

Interactive Wiring Diagram 101

2024 • Guitar Wiring

Home of the Cuckoocaster

If you've come here looking for Cuckoocaster inspiration (Beyond the Stratosphere), you almost made it. You'll find templates and built designs by following this link to

The below image is such a template, in this case for the first Cuckoocaster from 2006 (or 2007, not sure anymore).